Monday, 12 October 2009

Cavatast Special

Sant Sadurní d'Anoia produces around 90% of the world's cava, and every year we get to taste the new additions to the vast reserves of fizz that fill the enormous cellars of the region. Cavatast is a three day event that allows the general public to pass judgement on the lastest plonk - which is exactly what we did. Alighting from the train from Plaza Catalunya, we made our way to the centre of town. Stalls lined the Rambla de la Generalitat, each representing 
a different producer, plus a few local restaurants 
selling something to line the stomachs of the many 
enthusiastic samplers. You can also have a pretty good pizza - by the slice if you just fancy a snack - at the local Vitali 
Pizza restaurant, handily located on the same street as 
the Cavatast.

Our panel of four tried the following cavas, all of which 
were Brut Nature - in other words, the driest possible 
variety of the wine. Mrs HD also did a little online research to see what others thought, and I've reproduced 
comments from the excellent forum below 
ours. Here are the results:

About 9 euros a bottle

We said:
Dry, crisp, good nose, clean taste, citrusy. 9/10

An online reviewer said: Color amarillo dorado con abundante burbuja de buen tamaño. 
En nariz, fruta blanca, especialmente manzana, toques cítricos y fondo de panadería. 
En boca tiene muy buena entrada, fresco, carbónico bien integrado, cierta cremosidad y retrogusto algo cítrico no muy largo. Es un cava muy fresco ideal como aperitivo.

Eudald Massana Noya - Agricultura Ecològica 
About 7.5 euros a bottle

We said: Organic. Very fruity. A bit limequatty. Stronger flavours than others. 8.5/10

An online review said:
Amarillo claro, brillante. Aroma potente, notas cremosas, golosas, a manzana al horno y levadura. Muy agradable. Boca graso, con cuerpo y cierta frescura; buena expresión de fruta madura pero un exceso de dulzor le resta enteros. En todo caso es un cava agradable y bien hecho. Buen precio. 

About 5 Euros a bottle

We said: Citrusy. Not too gassy. Cava as it should be. No nasty aftertaste. Very nice for a sunny afternoon. 7.5/10

(Note: we can't find it for sale in any of the online offies we know, but if it is still around the price indicated below – its a bargain!)

An online review said: Color groc pàlid. Bombolla relativament fina. Aromes fruitals, de pastisseria i fins de fruits secs. Pas en boca amb volum contigut. Agradable i de bon paladar. Uns 5€. Molt bo per aquest preu.

Juvé & Camps 
Citrussy, clean, no nasty after taste. A favourite with the locals. 7/10

Robert J Mur/Montesquius 
Extra points for peanuts on the stand. Clean, grassy nose & taste. Not very gassy. Slightly characterless. 6.5/10

Castelo de Pedregosa 
Organic. Unconvincing nose. Very average, but not offensive. 5/10

Mont Marçal Vinícola
Gassy. Not complex & bit of a dodgy aftertaste. Tasted cheaper than others. 4.5/10

Highly disappointing overall given the producer. 4/10

Strong nose, metallic taste. Despite its apparent popularity on the day with other tasters: not nice. 4/10

A bit aftershavey/chemical/plastic. No one really enjoyed it & some was left! 3.5/10

So there you go. Bertha was the clear winner and there is currently a bottle chilling in our fridge. Salud!


  1. ¡Molt bé blog Mike! Ahhh the wonderful memories of Cava and our sampling sessions of BCN establishments, how I do miss them! Like your blog, looking forward to reading and commenting on your posts, you've done well my son.
