Friday, 25 September 2009

Experimental Experience

Loopoesía in action and sporting the latest fashion trends.

No act of virtue goes unpunished, according to Oscar Wilde. And what could be more virtuous - and improving - than an experimental poetry recital happening, complete with dj, disguises (for the performers) and a bit of good old-fashioned audience intimidation? 

When we arrived at La Papa's venue  at Tapioles 12, we initially waited around nervously. We've been to thousands of gigs, but this was one of the very few art-happens we'd attended, and we really didn't know what the form was. As it happened, we were warmly welcomed by the Papa people who happily took our €3 entrance fees and ushered us through a curtain into a room full of art-lovers, some with children in tow. 

The artist playing at the time was Nathan Moomaw. Stripped to the waist and sporting body paint and a New Folk haircut, Nathan was accompanied by Anna Morley. Please check out Anna and Nathan's individual sites, as my video really doesn't do them justice. I found their music totally hypnotic and intriguing, and will certainly be seeking them out again - particulary at €3 a pop and pub prices at the bar!

Nathan Moomaw & Anna Morley play songs of god-knows-what. But in a good way.

Next up came the main act - Loopoesía. A performance poetry combo featuring a dj, musical loops (hence the name) and a variety of disguises, Jordi Corominas i Julián, Neill Higgins, Jean Martin du Bruit and an unnamed female accomplice ducked and dived about the place yelling their own brand of poetic art. I have to say it really wasn't my cup of tea, although I'm really glad people are getting off their arses to do something they believe in rather than just talking about it (like me, for example). Although I didn't enjoy the poetry itself, the music was great. I'll be back.

1 comment:


    Estos son los poemas que la música acompaña en el viaje,el resto es poesia automática,lo que sale de la mente en ese momento...

    Gracias por tu post

